Our Mission

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Together, let's innovate, empower, and lead the way to a better tomorrow.
At the William M. Lively Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of technology and entrepreneurship as vital tools for empowerment. Born from the experiences of our founder, William M. Lively, who ascended from an underprivileged background through self-taught coding skills to become a leader in the technology investment banking sector and ultimately the founder of EXtrance, Inc., a half a billion-dollar investment management platform, this foundation is committed to creating pathways to success for at-risk and underserved youth through innovative and community-focused initiatives.

Our Mission

The William M. Lively Foundation dedicates itself to nurturing the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders by providing comprehensive access to technology, business opportunities, and mentorship. Our mission unfolds through the following commitments:
We aim to democratize access to state-of-the-art technology by setting up free-to-use tech centers in underserved communities. These centers will serve as hubs for learning, innovation, and creativity, offering everything from coding classes to robotics workshops, ensuring young individuals have the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in the digital age.
Recognizing the critical role of business acumen for future success, we will provide a series of interactive workshops and seminars that focus on entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and management skills. Our programs are designed to instill a foundation of solid business practices and entrepreneurial thinking that will prepare youth for diverse career paths, including starting their own ventures.
Through our comprehensive mentorship programs, participants will gain invaluable insights and guidance from experienced professionals across various industries. These relationships will foster networks, encourage professional growth, and provide role models for aspiring young individuals.
We are committed to the local communities we serve, not only through educational programs but also by supporting local initiatives that enhance community welfare. This includes after-school programs to keep youth engaged in productive activities, partnerships with local businesses to provide practical experience, and events that unite the community and foster a collaborative spirit.
To further bolster entrepreneurial initiatives, the foundation will facilitate access to capital for promising projects and startups developed by youth within our programs. This effort will include grants, investment challenges, and seed funding opportunities designed to turn viable ideas into successful enterprises.
We strive to be a vocal advocate for policy changes that support educational equity, particularly in the integration of technology in education. By collaborating with policymakers, educational institutions, and technology firms, we aim to create a policy environment that enhances the educational landscape for all.
The foundation will continually explore new and innovative ways to expand its impact and sustainability. This includes leveraging technology to reach a broader audience, developing scalable models that can be implemented in other regions, and staying at the forefront of educational and technological advancements.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where all youth, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential through the support of technology and entrepreneurship. We envision communities where young people are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to lead successful, fulfilling lives and, in turn, contribute to the vibrant fabric of their communities.


The William M. Lively Foundation is more than just a charity; it is a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change. Through our multifaceted programs and community-focused initiatives, we commit to breaking down barriers, fostering inclusivity, and creating opportunities that propel underprivileged youth to new heights. Join us as we embark on this journey to light up lives through the power of technology and collective action. Together, we can build a brighter, more equitable future for the next generation and beyond.